WIBA Baltic supplies its customers fast and reliably with high-quality original spare parts. Continuous production for you them assured by our fast supply of genuine spare parts.
Our stocks are continuously monitored and replenished, so we can guarantee the delivery of all standard spare parts within two working days. We cooperate with international courier service companies. This enables us to also organize deliveries to our customers within the European Union at night-time and on weekends.
Our offer comprises not only the quick supply of spare parts but also spare part packages, upgrade packages and modernization packages.
Our service team is committed to providing the best service support possible. For immediate contact with the correct personnel, please use the phone numbers and email addresses mentioned below for your respective product.
Top quality from the very beginning: WITTMANN BATTENFELD's service experts ensure worldwide that their customers machinery performs optimally and retains its maximum value. Quickly, reliably and proficiently.
The technical customer service comprises a broad service offer:
Complimentary Service-Hotline
Web-Service 24/7
Professional start-up
WITTMANN BATTENFELD added-value program
Conversions and retrofits
Quality repairs for small auxiliaries
The hotline is direct link to the WITTMANN BATTENFELD customer service. Our service specialists will find effective solutions for any problems.
If a problem cannot be solved by web counselling, an online diagnosis via Teleservice may be the next step. In case a technician is needed on site, this will be arranged and co-ordinated.
Availability: 7 a.m. to 10 p.m., 7 days per week CET
Benefits of the extended hotline service:
Reduction of machine downtimes of special systems
No premium for telephone support (toll-free number)
WIBA Baltic specializes in providing industrial components, repair parts, and spare parts for CNC, automated, and precision machinery for such industries as woodworking, metalworking, tooling and grinding, printing and automation.
AKE | Altendorf | Barberan | Behringer | Berg & Schmid | Betz | Biesse | Blohm | Boettcher | Brandenburger | Brandt | Bruks-Klöckner | Buetfering | Burkhardt+Weber | Businaro
Butler Elga | Contiweb | Deckel | Deckel Maho Gildemeister | DMG Mori | Eisele | Elbschliff | Eltosch | Elumatec | Emco | Ewag | Fravol |Giben | Gockel | Grifo | Hardo | Hauser | Heesemann | Heidelberg | Himmelwerk | Holz-Her / Holzher | Holzma | Homag | Horizon | HYFRA | Hymmen | Ideal-Werk | Ilmetech | IMA Klessmann | ISOG / Michael Deckel | IST Metz UV | Italpresse | Jaespa | Jahns | Jung | Kähny | Kasto | KEB Karl E. Brinkmann | Kellenberger | Kirschner | Koch/Kochma | Kolbus | Lang | Leitz | Leuco | Liebherr | Manroland | Masterwood | MBO | Muller Martini | MVM | Nord Getriebebau | Ochsner | Perfecta | Petschauer | Polar | Reform | Robatech | Saacke | Scharmann | Schaublin | Schaudt | Schelling | Schiess | Schmidt Tempo | Schneider-Senator | Schunk | SCM | Sitma | Stahl | Starrag | Stork | Studer | Superfici | Techno-Grafica | Technotrans | UTMA | Vitap | VITS Technology
Vollmer | Walter | Weeke | Weinig | Wemhoner | Widma / Widmann | Wohlenberg | Wotan and many more!
Arbors | Ball screws | Ball valves | Bearings | Chillers | Electric motors | Gearboxes | Hydraulic valves | Proximity switches
Pumps | Screens | Servo drives | Solenoids | Spindles | Valves | Variable frequency drives
Industrial machines and technical products