The proven Mold Area Protection (MAP) systems have been specifically designed to dehumidify molds and ensure sweat-free production throughout the year – even under tropical conditions.
The Internal Air Cooling System raises productivity by up to 200 percent while improving the quality of your blow-molded products by exchanging the internal cavity with cold air during the cooling phase. This reduces material stress and automatically shortens the cooling time.
The Blow Molding Booster (BMB) is our affordable entry to internal air cooling. Although less powerful than the Blow Air Chiller (BAC), it is also less sensitive in terms of compressed air quality and completely maintenance-free. The air in the BMB is cooled to 3–5 °C in order to cool the inner walls of blow-molded products more evenly. We guarantee the increase in production which we must at least achieve when submitting an offer.
Material & Workmanship
Outer housing made of brushed stainless steel
High quality refrigeration compressor
Fully insulated internals to prevent sweat
Crane hook
Why Internal Air Cooling?
One of the most critical and at the same time the most lengthy sub-process in extrusion blow molding is the cooling of the plastic parts, as the temperature gradient between the cold water-cooled outside and the warmer inside causes material stress. This degrades the quality and can lead to failure in leak, load and/or drop tests. Therefore, a system to chill with cold compressed air from the inside has been developed for many years, the Internal Air Cooling System (IACS).
This increases productivity by up to 200% while helping to improve the quality of the products by exchanging cold air inside of the blow moulded product during the cooling phase. This ensures that material stress is reduced and the cooling time is automatically reduced. In most cases, material savings of up to 10% were achieved. The payback periods, according to our experiences, are between two weeks and six months.
The Blow Air Chiller (BAC) is our top performer in internal mold cooling: powerful and equipped with the FIT controller to get the most out of your system. The compressed air is cooled down to -35 °C in the BAC – this requires good quality compressed air. A residual oil content of maximum 0.01 mg/m3 and a maximum pressure dew point of 5 °C at 7 bar are an important prerequisite to avoid problems, as oil would destroy the molecular sieve in the PAD. The adsorbent serves to lower the dew point of the compressed air far enough to prevent freezing of the moisture in the system. With optimum quality compressed air, you can take advantage of the maximum benefits of internal mold cooling!
Material & Workmanship
Outer housing made of brushed stainless steel
High quality refrigeration compressor
Fully insulated internals to prevent sweat
Crane hook
Water- and oil separators to clean the compressed air
Activated carbon filter to also remove chemical residues
Why Internal Air Cooling?
One of the most critical and at the same time the most lengthy sub-process in extrusion blow molding is the cooling of the plastic parts, as the temperature gradient between the cold water-cooled outside and the warmer inside causes material stress. This degrades the quality and can lead to failure in leak, load and/or drop tests. Therefore, a system to chill with cold compressed air from the inside has been developed for many years, the Internal Air Cooling System (IACS).
This increases productivity by up to 200% while helping to improve the quality of the products by exchanging cold air inside of the blow moulded product during the cooling phase. This ensures that material stress is reduced and the cooling time is automatically reduced. In most cases, material savings of up to 10% were achieved. The payback periods, according to our experiences, are between two weeks and six months.
The MAP (Mold Area Protector) is our device to prevent condensation on the mold surface. By using the MAP, you can run cold water temperatures of 6°C all year round without a drop of condensation on your enshrouded tools. No matter what climate you are in. A FIT-controller controls the device and monitors all processes, so the operation is easy and even errors can be easily detected and corrected. The device is very low maintenance, it only requires occasional cleaning of the filter mat.
Material & Workmanship : Outer housing made of brushed stainless steel High quality refrigeration compressor | Crane hook | Pump to remove the condense water from the drip pan
Why Mold Area Protection?
Molded plastic products must be cooled by means of cold water in the cavity of the mold. However, lowering the chilled water temperature below the dew point of the ambient air causes condensation on the mold surface. For example, moisture can lead to defects in the molded product and can permanently damage the mold itself or drastically increase its service intervals - resulting in more rejected products and higher operating costs. However, increasing the chilled water temperature increases the cooling time, slows down the manufacturing process, and reduces overall productivity. The proven Mold Area Protection (MAP) systems have been specifically designed to dehumidify molds and ensure sweat-free production throughout the year, even under tropical conditions. The addition of antifreeze is not at all necessary.
Industrial machines and technical products
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